Jul 4, 2008

A brief encounter with a confidence denter(ist)

I never understood how evolution did not eliminate the wisdom teeth. Could they just not drop in after 10 years instead of making a come back like that one drunk college night which your friends never forget to bring up each and every time.

Last saturaday, I turned up at the dentist to get the wisdom tooth on my left jaw removed. It appears to have been pushing in to the adjacent tooth causing decay. Serious advice, stay away from dentist. This creature managed to do in 5 minutes what I had not done since i watched "Bas itna sa kahab hai" in August, 2001. Cry out in pain!!! It involved incessant shoving, pushing, pulling and jerking my tooth with a instrument that i vaguely remember seeing in the saw series. Tooth doctor my fart!! pain doctor would be more appropriate. Gave a nice swell on the left side of my face which made even the changed the behavior of mumbai chicks. Previously they used to just look away, now they positively vomit at the very first look. Moreover, the gr8 sadist also handed me 5 poison pills to be had thrice a day. On top of it, i get to hear this "you were pretty brave. Come back next month. will pull out the right one". @#$!

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